Replacing plastic hangers - one hanger at a time

Replacing plastic hangers
one hanger at a time


To replace every single plastic hanger in the world.

We want to contribute in every way we can to a world free from plastic. For now, we are focusing on the task of exchanging every single plastic hanger in the world for biodegradable hangers.


High end fashion brands to sustainable retailers.

The way to achieve our mission is truly a matter of collaboration between us and our clients. We all need to chip in. We have spent years developing products we are very proud of. Now is the time to spread the word and start replacing plastic hangers – one hanger at the time.


Low attention products with high environmental impact.

We create biodegradable hangers that meet the highest standards for both durability and sustainability.

Get in touch

Interested in our product? Want to know more?
Give us your contact information and we will reach out asap.